“Big data” will not change the world unless it is collected and synthesized into tools that have a public benefit.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at University of Dhaka (also known as Dhaka University or DU) is a place where brightest of minds from all over the country assemble for a greater future. The department, popularly known as CSEDU, has been inspiring the best and brightest for more than twenty three years in fostering the frontiers of Computer Science and Engineering. We consider all members of the community as catalysts of evolution and inspire them to break away from traditional learn and apply mentality to create new knowledge and instigate others to do the same. Our credibility and efficacy of the methods of education is reflected by our alumni who have been performing with excellence in their respective fields; in the top ranking universities as teachers and researchers and in the top companies all around the world as software engineers and IT specialists. Our students are well equipped to take the challenge to stand out as the leaders of tomorrow. We welcome all in our community who are willing to take the challenge. Welcome to progress. Welcome to CSEDU.