Visualization of PM2.5 time series and correlation analysis of cities in Bangladesh

This study is conducted in several cities in Bangladesh toward understanding the characteristics of PM 2.5 such as spatial-temporal characterization, correlation of other particulate matter such as human activities, driving factors and environmental casualties. Significant time-lagged correlations were discovered between the PM 2.5 time series in different city groups throughout the country using the visualization framework. The Heatmaps show that the pooled series correlations are less significant in summer and between cities of greater distance as well as there are seasonal changes in the time lag magnitude and direction of the best shifted correlated particulate matter time series. The geomap visualization demonstrates interactions of air pollution among districts around Dhaka city and the significant effect of wind direction on correlated shifted time series. Clustering on the data gave an insight on the time and zone groups. The visualization framework could help determine the pathway of regional transportation of air pollution and may also be useful in delineating the area of interaction of PM 2.5 pollution for impact analysis.

A. Zaman, S. B. Rabbani, R. Ridwanul Haque and M. Zaber, “Seasonal, Temporal and Spatial Variation of Particulate Matter Concentration in Bangladesh: A Longitudinal Analysis,” 2021 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP52854.2021.9550877.